Thursday, May 24, 2007

School's Out For Summer

Our last day of school was a blast. We took a field trip of our neighborhood PCC (our local organic grocery store). The tour was amazing. They took the kids through the butcher shop, showing them how they make ground beef and package it. We got to take a ride on the loading dock. We were shown all through the recycling machine, as well as the coolers. Next, they showed us how to make fresh peanut butter and the kids even got to sample. The finale was making a cheese pizza from scratch!

Then we headed over to the local parks to enjoy the beautiful Seattle weather and watch the boats.

We are sad that the school year is ending, but are so blessed for all the fun memories and friendships that we made.

Ballard Threes

How many can I eat?

Josiah's favorite section...cheese!

Enjoying the water views...and my juice.

Boys Just Want to Have Fun

Josiah is becoming a lot more playful and it is so much fun. He's not so interested in crawling, but he doesn't let that stop him from having a good time. In fact, he's just trying to go straight to walking. I noticed that instead of getting into the crawling position, he is trying to get onto his feet. Who needs that crawling stuff, that's for babies!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Happy Trails!

We took our first family hike today. We hope to do a few long ones this summer so we are starting out slow. Isabel loves being outdoors and is really into climbing right now, so she'll take any excuse to work on her creek jumping and rock climbing skills.

This is the only way to hike

Sunny and raining?

Smell that fresh air!

Dad is the best!


D for dedication! We had Josiah dedicated at church today. We began the day shopping for new clothes so the kids could look just perfect. We spent an hour scrubbing, dressing, and polishing the kids so they could look just perfect as they stood on stage for the service. Then we got up there and Isabel decided that she would prefer just laying down on the stage floor! Then proceeded to yell, "Where's Papa!?!"

Yet, with all the bloopers it was a wonderful thing to be able to share Josiah with our church family and vow to raise him to know the Lord.

Don't we look beautiful?

I'm sleepy mom!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


We had a fun day at the farm today. They opened the petting zoo at the zoo this week and since Isabel keeps insisting that she wants to own and hug every animal known to man (except our little neighbor dog upstairs), I figure the best way to get rid of this urge is to give her the animals, just not at home.

We petted goats, climbed through worms in the giant-sized garden, milked the pretend cows, pumped the water, and drove the tractor.

The best part was the huge smile Josiah gets just watching his sister be silly. Their bond is so special and it just continues to grow each day.