Sunday, June 24, 2007

Cutest Girl in the World!

Isabel is growing up fast. Summer is off to a really fun start with her being able to really enjoy all of the activities. We put in some more sod and added a play structure and sandbox which is really fun.

Isabel also got new bunk beds this week. We are currently using is as a loft with no under bed. She loves being a big girl and having a space to call her own, and that Josiah can't get to.

Ibby in the sandbox

Painting her masterpiece

Hanging with the Pig at the Market

Cutest Boy in the World!

So Josiah finally did decide to crawl. He had me fooled, as I thought that he would just get up and walk one day. Now of course he is into everything! Much more that Isabel was, I may even have to childproof (gasp!).

He is such a fun kid and has such a great sense of humor. His favorite things...his sister, his daddy, and ice cream! What else does a kid need?

Playing at Papa's

Crawling around the beach

This is why I don't sleep through the night!

(Disclaimer, Daddy drank this, not Josiah)

Thursday, June 21, 2007


We had a great time visiting the local school carnival. First up were the pony rides, with Isabel making sure to dress appropriately with her pink cowgirl hat (thanks Uncle Ian!). She rode a horse named princess and wanted to ride by herself like a big girl, she really is a cowgirl at heart.

Next Dad and Ibby painted a frisbee with spin art. Then Isabel bowled and got a spare, her prize that she chose was a gigantic "wedding ring". In case you didn't know, we have to have a wedding almost everyday for Isabel, we each take turns marrying her. We had better start saving, I think that she's going to really be into her wedding!

Last, Ibby did the cake walk and won! She chose a beautiful "wedding" cake. It was beautful from some fancy bakery and really yummy!

We love carnivals!