Friday, September 16, 2011

Back to School!

Well, now we have 2 in school! Josiah in Kindergarten and Isabel starting First Grade! I was assigned to teach first this year in co-op, whic is great for me! I love teaching and having the two big kids in the same classroom is so fun. We are in the early modern times, so we are studying early colonies like Jamestown, the Pilgrims, slavery and much more! Below you can see a few pictures of our first day.

The sailing ship desks that Jason built for me

Josiah giving his report on Charles V

Isabel giving her report on South American Gold mines and Spain's exploitation of South America

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

End of Summer Water Park Trip!

My Dad got a few free tickets to Wild Waves for the work that they did painting a one of the rides, so he invited us to go on our last day of summer. We couldn't pass that up. All of the kids love the rides and the big kids had a blast swimming. Asher slept though all the water activities, so mama got to work on her tan while the boys had to go swimming with the kids! :)

Cupcake Party!

Whie we were out having haircuts, the cupcake shop across the hall invited us to a "back to school" cupcake party! We had a great time and the best part, free cupcakes in the shape of apples. If you know Seattle cupcakes, these were pretty amazing!

Enjoying her treat!

Entering the raffle


Alone Time with Asher

Getting a close up view of the sheep

With the 2 big kids in school, poor Asher usually gets the leftovers of my time. Last week Isabel and Josiah started a swim and gym class, so now Asher and I get a solid 2 hours all to ourselves. We plan to have many fun adventures. The last 2 weeks we explored a farm and went swimming. Asher wowed me with his fearless jumps into the pool! I am looking forward to this precious time together.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Co-op Camping

Even though we had a ton of work to do to get ready for our school year and my teaching at co-op, we really needed a break. And since co-op had arranged a camping trip, it was the prefect excuse to get away. Jump in the car, 30 minutes later we are in the mountains and in paradise. The kids had a great time playing with their friends and we loved just spending time together!

Playing at the beach at Rattlesnake Lake
Waiting for the bats to come out of the barn at dusk

Isabel caught this garter snake

We had just finished a 1 mile hike through the foothills

Summer Remnants

These are just a few random pictures of the last few minutes of our summer fun. I say minutes because that is exactly how long summer lasted this year!

Isabel and her playground hair
Josiah and the dying bee they gave a last request meal to

Free Bowling!

Isabel and the grasshopper she caught

Isabel and Alice...doing something fun!

The Sinnett and Bone kids at the Torchlight Parade

Volunteer Park Wading Pool

Thursday, September 1, 2011

USS Turner Joy

Jason and Sean took the big kids to Bremerton this weekend to visit the USS Turner Joy, a retired navy ship. The kids spent hours exploring the "playground" and only a small portion was off limits. Thye even got to ride the ferry back. Here are a few pictures of their adventures.