Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ibby's Birthday Bash

So of all the birthday themes Ibby could have chosen, the party she wanted most was a "Surprise Party" I set out to give her a super surprise party. Jason arrived home early to take Ibby out on a "date" and I got the house ready as the guests arrived. Tons of pink streamers, the girliest cake around, and pink balloons galore and we were ready to yell SURPRISE! We had tons of fun with her closest friends. We made shrinky dinks, busted a pinata, and had a yummy dinner to celebrate her big number 4. It really was a blast and here are some of the pictures.

Dinner party with the birthday girl's closest friends

She gets ready with a very big swing!

Time to blow the candles out, they were even pink

My favorite part of the evening, after the party, Ibby and Josiah having a fun time just the two of them

Ibby out riding her present from Granny and Papa, a big girl bike
(According to her a really, really BIG bike, much bigger than Josiah's really small bike!)

Isabel Turns 4!

I really can't believe it, but Isabel just celebrated her 4th birthday! I just can't stop staring at her in disbelief, is she really so big? To celebrate her big day, we started of the morning by heading over to the big downtown Krispy Kreme. My kids seriously love doughnuts, they think every Saturday should be doughnut morning. So I thought she would love seeing how the doughnuts were actually made. She loved it so much she was too busy watching them get made to actually eat her doughnut. Next, I dropped Josiah off with a girlfriend so that Isabel and I could have a morning with just the girls. We headed over to a local community center that was hosting a tea party. There we enjoyed "tea", cookies, and tiny sandwiches. She had a ton of fun playing with just mommy on the playground after. In the evening she opened her presents and was super excited to get the Cherry Blossom Market fruit stand and the Tag Reading System, which is completely amazing. Happy Birthday Ibby, we love you so much!

Super Excited about Krispy Kreme (Hurry Up Mom!)

The perfect "girly" doughnut

All dressed up for the tea party

She loves the Tag system