Saturday, February 3, 2007

Haircutting 101

Well, today we traumatized Isabel with her first haircut. Our plan was to grow it out but the poor girl could not see anymore. So off we walked to the salon. Everything looked so bright, she was excited, asking everyone on the salon how they were doing, but it all fell apart when our turn came.

The tears fell onto the floor into puddles and she kept crying, "Ibby want to get down Mommy!" But after less than 30 seconds he was done and we were out the door two minutes later. Then of course next door to buy a lollypop to make the pain stop.

Sadly, mom had to come home and recut it because there was still a ton of hair in her eyes. But what can you do? On the way home Isabel wanted to go to the library and see her Grandma who works at the library because she would "make it all better."

Well, here are the before, during, and after pictures. Enjoy!


Grandma said...

Please tell my Isabel that she looks beautiful. When she comes to Florida we will go to the library to pick out the books we are going to read together.

heather said...

so cute! she looks great!