Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Little Culture If You Please

So one thing I love about Seattle is that all of the museums are FREE the first Thursday of every month. I have never been able to take advantage of this, but after today I plan to much more in the future. We started off the morning by taking the bus into downtown to visit the Seattle Art Museum (SAM). Once there we had a rocky start after I had to pry the kids away from the Dynastic Chinese statues, and Isabel touched an ancient stained glass window and I got yelled at for being a negligent mother. But once we found the kids area, we had a ball. Isabel dressed herself in Roman soldier gear and togas. Josiah enjoyed building with various artsy blocks. We finished by designing car shaped head gear giving a nod to the museums exhibit of recycled cars hanging from the ceiling. Isabel's favorite piece of art was the paint splattered toilet. She is hoping to remodel ours to make going to the bathroom a more exciting experience.

Later that night the family took a trip to the Museum of Flight. It's full of old a new planes, housed at the old Boeing factory. Isabel loves the real size front section of an old TWA plane. While Josiah loves being able to run free in a place that he thinks is too cool for kids to be allowed. He also loves pretending to be a fighter pilot.

I won't get TOO close to those statues

It's my size mom, can I ride it?

Can I fly this one too?

Throwing around our parachute jumpers

1 comment:

heather said...

Your kids are getting so big - they're just adorable. Fun that the museums are free - looks like you guys had a good time.