Tuesday, April 14, 2009


For all my kicking and screaming that I don't understand the silly tradition of making eggs and going to hunts around Easter, I always give in and do them. I still don't have a good reason, except the kids have fun doing them. Isabel and Josiah worked hard coloring eggs and had a great time hunting them, both around the house and at the local commnunity center. They really made out, with Easter baskets from Grandma, presents from the other Grandma, and tons of candy...which being pregnant, I am consuming way too much of. I also cooked my first ever Easter brunch for Granny and Papa. When Jason brought home the giant ham, I totally freaked, but it turned out to be the easiest thing ever to cook and really yummy too!

Of course, Ibby chose pink and purple for her colors

Which left Josiah with green, orange, and yellow

I just love Josiah's morning hair in this picture

Our local community center egg hunt. Isabel really made out here, they don't even hide the eggs

Jason carving our delicious "first" ham

1 comment:

Özgür ERBULAN said...

great childs :) Maybe my child time coming :P Take care those mini humans please...