Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer Fun

Okay, so God has been so good to me this year. I was so sad that with Baby Boy arriving late June that I would totally miss summer. Warm weather doesn't usually arrive here until July. But this year we have had the most amazing summer. I don't think we've had a day below 70 this whole month. So the kids and I have been thoroughly enjoying ourselves, hitting up every spray park and playground in town and even making a water park in our own yard to be enjoyed by all. It has been a blast thus far and I am looking forward to one more week with hopefully ample opportunities to get some sun. Here are some pictures of all the the sunny fun!

At a local spray park, where Isabel felt like queen of the water ring

Josiah must have hurt himself 5 different times on this ride, but he couldn't resist getting back on

After months of an intense slide phobia, Isabel finally conquers her fears

At Forest Park with an amazing petting zoo with bunnies, horses, and where goats roam freely! Fun!

My boy, who really is always the life of the party

Josiah and our next door neighbor Sullivan enjoying a beach party

Isabel getting her slip and slide groove on

1 comment:

elle_78 said...

amazed at all you've been able to do being so pregnant--good for you! you're an amazing mama. :)