Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009

We had a really fun halloween this year. On Friday night Jason helped our friends move, so the kids and I headed to meet some friends at our old church building in Ballard for the 3rd annual Fall Festival. They really outdid themselves! They had many bouncy houses, including a bouncy obstacle course, a huge cardboard maze, a trike track with giant trikes to ride, games, and Josiah's favorite, the Wii on the huge overhead screens. All for free! We had a blast.

On Saturday we went to a party at a friend's house from co-op. The kids had a lot of fun, I especially enjoyed the marshmallow shooting guns (hey, I live in the City and don't see too much of that) Later we went trick or treating down at the shops in Columbia City which was great and SAFE! Then we hit up the neighbors on the way home. Our last stop was dropping some candy for our next door neighbor friend Sully, who was too sick to go out.

Here are some pics of the kiddos.

Fire Chief Asher

Fairy Prinecess Isabel

Super Man Josiah
(the above pics were taken for free by a professional photographer from our church

The giant trikes were awesome!

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