Friday, June 10, 2011

Wild Waves 2011 - Homeschool Days

Every year in the middle of June Wild Waves has a homeschool day where they give an incredible discount for homeschool students. I am a big fan of amusement parks, so it's easy to get me to go. Unfortunately, it's not too hot in June, but we tough it out. We had a blast today on all the rides, it was fun that Asher could join in on some. They even got in the water, I couldn't believe it!

Their first - and favorite - ride, the Octopus

I have this same picture of Asher and me from last year. He's just a year older. I can't believe he didn't want to ride a horse on the carosel. Se we just sat.

They loved the fire truck! 3X on this ride!

Fun in the...clouds and cold

The race is on!

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