Monday, June 16, 2008

A Hiking We will Go

We explored a great in-city hiking option yesterday called Camp Long. We followed a half-mile long trail to a small creek and then played around in the water for a bit. On the way back, Isabel wanted to start off by herself and to our amazement, she hiked the whole way back (uphill) by herself. Even Jason was winded a bit, but that little girl just kept going. Good news as we have a few longer hikes planned this summer. At the end of the trail was a fun rock climbing wall, which Isabel just had to do. And we ended the trip with some running in the adjacent field. The kids entertained eachother playing chase and digging up gopher holes. Dad got in on the action by teaching Isabel how to do cartwheels.

Josiah and Mom get ready for the hike

Josiah pretends he is Tom Sawyer

Ibby celebrates her solo hike

Mom and Ibby make it to the top of the rock wall

Ibby and Josiah play chase in the field

Dad and Isabel practice their cartwheels

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