Monday, June 16, 2008

West Seattle Water Taxi

We decided to hit the water on Friday with some friends. We hopped the West Seattle Water Taxi, a cute passenger boat that runs in the summer from downtown to West Seattle. Once there we got on shuttle that took us to the beach. The kids had fun playing on in the sand and throwing rocks in the water. But the real adventure began when we missed the shuttle to get back to the water taxi and they only run once an hour. I was so worried about getting a ticket back in downtown, I got the kids on a bus and once downtown I ran with Josiah in a stroller and Isabel on my back over a mile to make it on time. I was half an hour late, but praise be to God no ticket. To make up of for the loss of riding the boat back, I put a few more quarters in the meter and took the kids to the pier for ice cream. A fun day, but I'm still recovering from that run.
In front of the water taxi
(Joaish looks a little worried with his sister pushing the stroller)

Isabel looks towards West Seattle

The kids getting excited about the boat starting

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