Tuesday, April 14, 2009


For all my kicking and screaming that I don't understand the silly tradition of making eggs and going to hunts around Easter, I always give in and do them. I still don't have a good reason, except the kids have fun doing them. Isabel and Josiah worked hard coloring eggs and had a great time hunting them, both around the house and at the local commnunity center. They really made out, with Easter baskets from Grandma, presents from the other Grandma, and tons of candy...which being pregnant, I am consuming way too much of. I also cooked my first ever Easter brunch for Granny and Papa. When Jason brought home the giant ham, I totally freaked, but it turned out to be the easiest thing ever to cook and really yummy too!

Of course, Ibby chose pink and purple for her colors

Which left Josiah with green, orange, and yellow

I just love Josiah's morning hair in this picture

Our local community center egg hunt. Isabel really made out here, they don't even hide the eggs

Jason carving our delicious "first" ham

Our Growing Family

For those of you that don't know, we are expecting our newest family member in mid-June. A baby boy will make us a family of five. Sorry we can't tell the name yet, but you'll find out soon enough...and it's a good one.

Baby on the way!

Getting ready to make his entrance

Isabel's Funny Faces

My girl is a serious drama queen and I mean that in the sweetest way. I absolutely love how animated she is about everything. I constantly think about enrolling her in drama classes due to her love for putting on plays, shows, recitals. Here are a few pics of her hilarious personality shining through.
She asked if we could turn the rest of her pink (her favorite color) as well!

Who's ET?

No candy? What?!?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thank you God for this Beautiful Day

We have had the most glorious week. I just love Seattle when it's like this, it reminds me why I feel so blessed to live here. The kids and I headed over to Kelsey Creek Park the other day to hike and visit the farm animals that they have in their public barns. It started off rough as I told Josiah to chase a bird in what I thought was a meadow, but turned out to be a swamp, the poor boy got soaked to his knees. After a change of pants, he kept on though, wet shoes and all, I'm proud of my tough boy.

We visited with many farm animals including ducks, horses, cows, pigs, goats and sheep. But the highlight was definitely the bunnies. The kids loved getting them to eat the hay/grass. Isabel now has a new pet she's asking for.

We also hiked through the woods and played along the creek. The kids "fished" with their stick poles and had a ton of fun just exploring.

They really are best friends

Feeding the bunnies

This duck was super friendly and really wanted to play with the kids

Here sheepy sheeps!

They could have "fished" all day!

The Sun, it's Blinding!

Yay, we've finally had some beautiful weather. And when we have days like this, with a high of 70, and I think is "can't do work, must be outside" We headed over to the park on Saturday while Daddy did the taxes (thank you!) and I love these pictures because it shows how my kids have turned into moles, they have no idea what to do with the sun.

AAHHH! The sun!

Dude Day

Jason is really good about taking Isabel on Daddy/Daughter Dates. But he's also recently decided Josiah needs some one on one time with him too so they're beginning the tradition of "adventure time" or what I call Dude Days. On this day Josiah got to go in Daddy's ride, the Porsche which is his favorite thing to do and they went hiking and played at the park.

Ready for his ride in the "Race Car"

Indoor Fun

We have had way too many days of cold and snow and rain. I will do anything to make the day fresh and fun and not go stir crazy myself. I could actually handle the rain, if it were not for the cold. So here are some pictures of how we have stayed sane this early spring.

Isabel and Josiah in our home gymnastics studio

The Famous Isabel Museum of Art

She'll clean if it has to do with anything forbidden or breakable

If all else fails, sleeping in the middle of the day always cures boredom